

+44 (0) 787 74 39 605

Online Persian Christian Fellowship

Praise the Lord. 

We have had our very first baptism ceremony, with 4 of our members on 31st January 2021. 
In the beginning, this task appeared to be very daunting and impossible. Trying to find a venue and making sure that the members to be baptized can get to the venue and return home safely and the members helping were safe as well. All this during the lockdown. 

A MASSIVE THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERYONE INVOLVED AND FOR ALL YOUR PRAYS. Please realize that none of this would be possible without your willingness, hard work, faith, and prays 
We have 2 more baptisms in February, on the 14th, and on the 28th. pray that God will give us wisdom and guidance as we go about Hid’s work.

We are a non-funded organization and we depend on donations, contributions and prays. 

Thank you!